Upcoming Events
We have many recurring events to help deepen your practice and find community throughout the week and month.
Subscribe to our public calendar + Mailchimp newsletter for the most up-to-date timing and link information, and check out the “Event Descriptions” section below for more information about each practice session. All offerings are listed EST- check your time zone.
*If you have trouble accessing this public calendar or are met with continuous “captcha” requests, try switching your browser to Google Chrome. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Quick links to join recurring weekly offerings:
Chenrezig’s Ring of Fire on Mondays @ 10:30 AM EST
Daily Practice on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays @ 11:30 AM EST
Medicine Buddha on Mondays @ 7 PM EST
Mahamudra for the People on Tuesdays @ 12:30 PM EST
Chö Practice on Tuesdays @ 7 PM EST
Protector Practice on Wednesdays @ 7 PM EST
Community Dharma Sharing on Wednesdays @ 8 PM EST
Uprooting Whiteness on 2nd Thursdays @ 7:15 PM EST
21 Taras on 3rd Thursdays @ 7 PM EST
Seven Homecomings on Tuesdays @8:30 AM EST
NEW SAINTS BOOK GROUP Monthly 2nd Mondays @2:15 PM EST
Shamatha for Anxiety on 4th Thursdays @ 7 PM EST
Ma Harriet Liberation Practice on Sundays at 12pm EST
Uprooting Whiteness on 4th Sundays @ 7:15 PM EST
Holding Space on 3rd or 4th Sundays @11:00am EST (check calendar)
Calendar (with Zoom links)
Session recordings:
To enhance accessibility, recordings from Medicine Buddha, Mahamudra for the People, Community Dharma Sharing and most monthly offerings are shared freely to all via our Youtube and Vimeo pages. The calendar page notes which offerings are being recorded and shared publicly.
If you do not wish to appear in a recording, please ask your questions in the chat or turn off your video while you unmute yourself to speak. (Having your video on will NOT result in your appearance in a recording unless you unmute your microphone at the same time). You are also welcome to request that the recording be paused at any time.
Whether participating in a live webinar or watching the recordings, please understand that students' personal information, participation, and session-related comments, images and media shared in spiritual community are to be held with non-judgemental care and respect.
Special thanks to our friends at Pureland Farms for this language
Event Descriptions
Read more about each session offered by the community and our teachers.
All times listed are in Eastern Standard Time.
Medicine Buddha with Lama Rod
Join Lama Rod for a guided Medicine Buddha practice that can help promote healing for self and others, as well as address social inequities that perpetuate harm.
Mondays from 7 to 8:30 PM
To join weekly Medicine Buddha practice on Zoom, CLICK HERE to register.
Daily Practice Group
Daily practice groups are spaces where people can sign in and practice individually with others in an online space. Space will be held by a Bhumisparsha community member for the first 30 minutes, while the second 30 minutes (optional) will open for questions and discussion.
Monday and Friday daily practice sessions feature the option to break out into small groups for the check-in/conversation portion of the sit. Small group breakouts on these days are based on the preferences expressed by participants on a given day.
For Wednesday practice sessions, Bhumisparsha is automatically breaking out into a BIPOC breakout room and a General breakout room for both the practice and check-in periods. Each group will be self-moderated. This practice is intended to give folx who identify as BIPOC the option to immerse in the energy of a BIPOC group space, without having to navigate a larger, shared space.
21 Taras Practice with Rachael Wooten
Join Rachael Wooten for monthly guided sadhana practices of Green Tara and her 21 emanations. We'll take a deep dive into the amazing qualities of each Tara, discovering how she helps us heal personal and collective wounds in order to become an active, loving presence of Tara in the world.
Rachael is the author of Tara: The Liberating Power of the Female Buddha. She has been authorized by her teacher, Lodrö Tulku Rinpoche, to teach and lead these practices.
7 to 9 PM on the third Thursday of each month
21 Taras on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88390314889?pwd=TVJVRkc3dlhxdDF5d00xWGlDQkovZz09#success
Community Dharma Sharing
Please join the Bhumisparsha community each Wednesday evening for a dharma sharing with Lama Rod and friends. There is usually a talk or guided meditation and then space for personal sharing.
Wednesdays from 8 to 9:30 PM
Community Dharma on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82385902276?pwd=OHYvWlB2c2dXb1RUT21MK2VvZTVXQT09
Mahamudra Practitioner Group
Join practitioners for an open-format practice and discussion of Mahamudra. All are warmly welcome to attend.
Tuesdays from 5:30 to 6:30 PM
Mahamudra group on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87644378555?pwd=dDRJZlV6dWVLYm1QL1RBVEx5N2xkZz09
Chöd Practice and Discussion
Join Lama Justin and Bhumisparsha community members to learn and practice the Milam Lungten Chod Sadhana. Join to learn more about this practice and its benefits for all beings.
All community members welcome!
Tuesdays from 7 to 8 PM
Chöd group on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/93954714384?pwd=ZmhYM0VsbjN6L1U4dnptNmRycUtsZz09
Palden Lhamo, Shanglon Mahakala and Chittapatti Protector practice
A guided practice led by either Lama Justin or a community member focusing on the protection offered by these three powerful dharma protectors.
Every Wednesday from 7 to 7:45 PM
Protectors practice on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82176897152?pwd=TUd2a3ltM0M1eFlkTUJ2NXpSbGlRUT09
Disability Justice & The Dharma: A practice series
Disabled and non-disabled practitioners are warmly welcomed to a series of discussion groups looking at each of the 10 principles of Disability Justice and how they align with our Buddhist practice and can inform the entire Bhumisparsha community.
Each discussion will be 90 minutes long and take an in-depth look at just one principle at a time, calling on the wisdom of all in attendance. Open to disabled and non-disabled practitioners.
Check out the Bhumisparsha calendar (above) or join our Slack space (contact info@bhumisparsha.org to join) to stay up-to-date with the latest info about DJATD offerings and events.
Disability Justice & the Dharma on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85338652992?pwd=bUJBdStCZVZtK0RFaUFPdXB3Nm56QT09;
Uprooting Whiteness Circle
Uprooting Whiteness is an ongoing practice group within Bhumisparsha of folks committed to lovingly untangling the individual and collective roots of our whiteness with gentle, direct community care. Click here for more info!
2nd Thursdays & 4th Sundays
7:15pm-8:45pm Eastern
2nd Thurs: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88346228064
Holding Space: Sitting and Sharing Practice in Uncertain Times
Please join the community for silent meditation practice, followed by an opportunity to check-in with other community members, as we hold space for each other. Facilitated by Brenda Collins and Leigh Rosenberg.
11:00 AM to 12:30 PM on the third Saturday of each month
Holding Space Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84060666565
Sunday Service with Lama Rod
Join Lama Rod for an extended guided practice into the heart of Ma Tara.
Usually one Sunday per month from 10 a.m. to 12 PM
Please check the calendar for links and timing details.
Shamatha for Anxiety
Join us for a gentle nejang yoga warm-up & 9 purification breaths, followed by one of a few shamatha techniques (21-count, thinking, om-ah-hung, walking, forced, formless).
4th Thursdays 7:00pm-7:45pm Eastern