Bhumisparsha Moon Cycle Intensive Home Practice Period

April 7, 2020 - May 7, 2020 (all times EDT)

The Bhumisparsha Moon Cycle Intensive Home Practice Period is a series of gatherings and offerings hosted virtually by the Bhumisparsha community. We recognize the intensity and struggle of our current pandemic and the toll it is taking on our lives, the lives of our families, as well as our communities, countries, and the entire world. We offer these gatherings and resources to support you and your practice in meeting the challenges of these overwhelming times. Bhumisparsha means “touching the earth,” and our community is dedicated to helping all practitioners touch back onto the ground of their basic experience with love, compassion, gentleness as well as with fierceness and courage. 

During this moon cycle month, we are offering a wide range of gatherings including deity practice, dharma talks, panels, empowerments, English and Spanish practice groups, study groups, as well as a tantric feast! Gatherings are led by Lama Rod and Lama Justin as well as other members of our core organizing team.  Please know that you are not being asked to sign in to all of these events. But what we do ask you is to figure what you may need this month and choose programs according to your needs. 

These offerings are freely offered. There will be ways to offer donations at each gathering. Please know that these offerings go directly to supporting the cost of technology use as well as supporting those in our community offering technical and administrative assistance. However, our primary concern is that you are able to get what you need from what is offered. Our community looks forward to sharing this time and space with you.